Thursday, 31 January 2008

31st Jan 08

Katie and I produced a story board and had printed out scripts for the actors.

29th Jan 08

Kate and I printed out all the papers we needed like: location agreement
Actors agreement
call list
Risk assessment form
Production report
breakdown sheet

29th Jan 08

Kate and I printed out all the papers we needed like: location agreement
Actors agreement
call list
Risk assessment form

Thursday, 24 January 2008

22nd Jan 2008

We first made ideas of what we would think would be in the short film and what the camera will do for example; close up, wide shot etc. We then discussed what we thought of each others ideas and put them together.

Katie and i then produced an outline script of the sonnet 129! We also produced a shotlist which then will help us when we shoot our short film!

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

22nd Jan 08

Katie and I planned out our script and printed it out.

17th Jan 08

Katie and I done and planned our proposal!

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

15th Jan 08

well... katie and i had researched on our poem and what it really means. We went on the We thought that our poem 'sonnet 129' meant that 'he had raped a girl he liked but had felt guilty at the end.' We thought that because the poem had a lot of 'action' and 'murderous' words. We then thought of other ideas that it could just be 'having sex' with someone but not enjoying it at all.

'As soon as it is achieved, it becomes shameful, and is hated.'

We then dicussed about our poems and what other people in the class thinks what the poem thinks and other people suggested 'loosing their virginity,' 'just having sex with no joy' and so on.

So Katie and I needs to re-think on what the poem means.

15th Jan 08

well... katie and i had researched on our poem and what it really means. We went on the We thought that our poem 'sonnet 129' meant that 'he had raped a girl he liked but had felt guilty at the end.' We thought that because the poem had a lot of 'action' and 'murderous' words. We then thought of other ideas that it could just be 'having sex' with someone but not enjoying it at all.

'As soon as it is achieved, it becomes shameful, and is hated.'

We then dicussed about our poems and what other people in the class thinks what the poem thinks and other people suggested 'loosing their virginity,' 'just having sex with no joy' and so on.

So Katie and I needs to re-think on what the poem means.

Thursday, 10 January 2008

MERTON COLLEGE - 10th January 08

Well today i got annoyed by MOHAMAD!! And from then on we have received a poem called "sonnet 129" and also received the assignment brief!